Get more information about attending Rocky Mountain Deaf School.
RMDS Enrollment Process
- Interested family contacts RMDS at info@RMDS.co. Family provides a copy of child's IFSP.
- Child Find team and school director review IFSP.
- The enrollment coordinator contacts the family for child's birth certificate, proof of residency. Family registers using EnrollJeffco.
- Individualized Education Plan coordinator and Early Childhood Education teacher initiate Child Find evaluation. An audiogram, Child Find assessments and IFSP documents are collected.
- Ready to evaluate by an ECE teacher, American Sign Language specialist, SLP and OT/PT. Visual screening is also evaluated.
- Schedule IEP meeting date with parents, team and school district.
- Upon completion of the IEP meeting, IEP coordinator sends paperwork to the district.
- Enrollment coordinator contacts the family to complete RMDS enrollment packet.
- The enrollment coordinator and ECE teacher send welcome packet to family (RMDS calendar, school handbook and classroom information).
- Child begins enrollment at RMDS.
Enrollment Timeline
Enrollment Timeline for the 2025-26 School Year
- December 5, 2024: Round 1 enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year opens
- January 17, 2025: Round 1 enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year closes
- January 23, 2025: Round 2 enrollment for the 2025-26 school year opens
- January 28, 2025: Lottery results sent to families
School Finder
With School Finder, there are three easy ways to learn about schools:
- By name
- By proximity
- By other criteria like Dual Language, special education, gifted, Montessori, Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and more.
With EnrollJeffco, you can enroll in your neighborhood school or choice enroll at a different school that may be a better fit for your student's unique needs.
School Insights
With School Insights you can view data on school culture, teacher-to-student ratios, student academic performance and information about each school.
Student Registration & Fees
Find information about student registration and school fees.
Take a school tour and find out more about RMDS.
See what families are saying about RMDS.
Contact Us
- Rocky Mountain Deaf School
- Phone: 720-961-9200 VP | 303-984-5749 V
- info@rmds.co
- 10300 W. Nassau Ave., Denver CO 80235