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Rocky Mountain Deaf School values high expectations, a family atmosphere, exceptional teamwork, continuous innovation and zest.

See what families, students and staff are saying about RMDS:

“What makes RMDS so special to us is that every person, every teacher, the principal, they value our entire family.”

– RMDS parent Jamie Hoffnagle

“RMDS isn’t only a school, it’s a community! They make sure the student’s academic and social needs are being met while providing access to information … to meet the needs of the students and their families. We greatly appreciate the passion and dedication shown by the staff … they always make us feel like part of the RMDS family.”

– RMDS parent Robyn Hoy

“I love RMDS so much that when I grow up, I want to come back and work here so I can be at RMDS forever!”

– RMDS student Amariana Allen-Bruns

“If RMDS didn’t exist, I would be going to a hearing school and hating it. This school is the BEST learning environment for me to be in.”

– RMDS student Evan Strickfaden

“Creativity is everywhere as staff and students are constantly creating new opportunities and drawing or designing new things. Language is accessible for both parents and students at all times, and everyone realizes that being Deaf is something to be proud of!”

– RMDS staff Heather Hapke