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Future Students

This page contains school information and commonly used resources for future Rocky Mountain Deaf School students.

Enroll ·  School Supply List · School News · About

Quick Links for Future Students


Clever allows all students to securely log into digital learning applications.

Visit Clever


All Jeffco students have Jeffco Google accounts which can be used to access Google Docs, Gmail, Google Sheets, Google Drive and more.

Visit Google


Naviance is a college and career readiness tool that provides students with college planning and career assessment tools.

Visit Naviance


Safe2Tell helps students anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens them, their friends, family or community.

Call 1-877-542-7233 or submit a report online or through the Safe2Tell app.

Visit Safe2Tell

Student Insights

Student Insights is a secure online tool that makes it easy to access information about a student’s district and state tests and their individual learning plans.

Visit Student Insights