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School Supply List

See below for school supply lists for the 2023-24 school year.

Lower Elementary 2023-24 Supply List (K-2)

Download Lower Elementary Supply List

Please bring your school supplies on the orientation day. Do not write your child’s name on the supplies. 

❏ 1 pack of washable markers (8 count, classic colors)

❏ 1 box of Crayola crayons (24 count)

❏ I pack of colored pencils

❏ 1 pair of blunt-cut scissors

❏ 1 package of dry-erase markers (black preferred)

❏ 3 two-pocket folders

❏ Colorful cardstock paper (optional)

❏ 2 tissue boxes

❏ 1 complete change of clothes (socks and underwear included) in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name on it.

Upper Elementary 2023-24 Supply List (3-5)

Download Upper Elementary Supply List

Please bring your school supplies during the orientation day. Please do not write your child’s name on the supplies.

❏ 1 pack of black Expo dry-erase, low-odor markers

❏ 1 pack of Expo markers, colored

❏ 1 pack of no. 2 pencils

❏ 1 pack of glue sticks

❏ 1 pack of post-it notes

❏ 1 pack of colored pencils

❏ 2 packs of washable markers

❏ 4 two-pocket folders

❏ 3 spiral notebooks (plain colors)

❏ Tape

❏ 2 boxes of tissues

❏ Colorful cardstock paper, optional

❏ Headphones, optional

Middle and High School 2023-24 Supply List

Download Middle and High School Supply List

Please bring your school supplies on Monday, Aug. 14th.

❏ 4 composition notebooks (college-ruled)

❏ 2 or 3 three-ring notebooks (college-ruled)

❏ 2 1-inch binders

❏ 2 or 3 packs 5-tab divider

❏ 5 different colored two-pocket folders

❏ 1 pencil pouch

❏ 1 pack pencils (or mechanical pencils)

❏ 2 large erasers

❏ 2 packs post-it notes

❏ 1 pack pens

❏ 1 box of colored pencils

❏ 1 box of markers

❏ 3 colors of highlighters

❏ 4 glue sticks

❏ 2 packs looseleaf lined paper

❏ 1 agenda book, calendar or planner

❏ 2 boxes of tissues

❏ 2 packs Expo Markers

❏ 1 pencil sharpener (handheld with top to collect the pencil shavings

❏ 1 pair of scissors

❏ 1 basic calculator or Ti-84 scientific calculator

❏ 1 pack of index cards