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Travel Opportunities

Students at Rocky Mountain Deaf School have the opportunity to take part in fun, educational travel experiences.

International Trip

The international trips occur bi-annually and can be to any country in the world with a focus on Europe, Asia or Central or South America.

The goal of these trips is to provide students with international travel experience as well as supplement education and social learning. Trips are all done with the help of a tour guide group and sometimes the trips can be combined with other Deaf schools in the nation.

All RMDS high school students are welcome to join these international trips with the understanding they remain in good academic standing and participate in fundraising to help earn funds for the trip.

Close Up 

Close Up is a week-long program in Washington, D.C. that gives students the chance to meet peers from across the country and learn more about their rights and responsibilities as U.S. citizens. Students participate in workshops and debates and explore the nation’s capital, including Congress, memorials and other sites.

Students also have the opportunity to participate in “Deaf Week” with other deaf school participants during the first week of May. This program is for juniors and seniors at RMDS who are in good academic standing.